RELEASE: Facts made public, hefty fine urged for Obed mine disaster

We have waited two long years to find out the facts behind the catastrophic Obed coal slurry spill and be privy to the evidence for the criminal charges laid by the Alberta Energy Regulator against the then owner of the mine, Sherritt International, and Coal Valley Resources. It now appears that we may never know all of the facts because of the possibility that the case will never go to trial. We are calling for a public trial to proceed, in order to shed light on these questions, and if the judge rules in favor of the prosecution, enforcement to the full extent of the law.

» RELEASE: Facts made public, hefty fine urged for Obed mine disaster (240KB PDF)


MEETING: Keepers of the Athabasca's AGM to be held May 28


RELEASE: Climate Change Agreement must include UNDRIP